来源:中信银行 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年02月06日
内容导读: 记者日前从中信银行佛山分行了解到,持传统磁条卡的中信银行房贷客户,可去银行网点免费换新的白金IC卡,同时享受中信银行为白金客户打造的多项增值服务。
Citic bank for the mortgage customers upgrade platinum IC card
A reporter from citic bank foshan branch to know, the traditional magnetic stripe CARDS citic bank mortgage customers, we can go to a bank outlets free in new platinum IC card, and at the same time enjoy the citic bank for platinum customers create a number of value-added services.
According to introducing, citic bank for mortgage customers upgrade IC card, it is the bank in 2012 of the latest HOME card, this is the first for housing mortgage loan customer exclusive card. Citic "HOME" card service content, covering housing asset management services, exclusive value-added services, IC card small pay cost recognition function. Citic bank is conducting HOME card "in card and polite" marketing activities.
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